Treasure Hunt - VBS 2024

Daily Overview


Paul’s Conversion


Jesus sent me so that you could see again and be filled with the Holy Spirit. - Acts 9:17b

Saul is saying mean things about Christians to anyone who will listen. Jesus appears to Saul in a vision and Saul became blind. After Saul’s sight was restored, Saul was baptized and changed his ways. This change included people calling him Paul. Paul told lots of people about Jesus’s ministry and resurrection. Just as Paul something in a new way, we too can see things in new ways..




God loves a cheerful giver. -
2 Corinthians 9:7

Lydia is one of the people Paul met when he was telling others the good news of Jesus. Lydia was a successful business person who sold purple cloth. Purple is the color of the wealthy and important people. Lydia heard the good news from Paul and was baptized. She invited Paul and his friends to stay at her house. Lydia listened to others and heard the good news. People today enjoy listening to others and we must also listen for God in our midst.


Paul and Silas


Glory to God, who is able to do far beyond all that we could ask or imagine by his power at work within us. -Ephesians 3:20

Paul and his friends Silas were traveling and telling lots of people about Jesus. Some people didn’t like that and put Paul and Silas in jail. One night, there was an earthquake and the doors opened. All the prisoners stayed and didn’t leave – the jailer couldn’t believe it. Paul and Silas told the jailer (and the others) how much God loved them. The jailer didn’t expect the prisoners to all be in the jail when the doors were open. The love of Jesus shows up in unexpected ways in all our lives.


Paul and the Philippians


Trust in the Lord forever, for in the Lord God you have an everlasting rock. - Isaiah 26:4

Paul traveled to lots of places to teach about Jesus and start churches. One of the places Paul went was to Philippi. Here he met lots of new people. This story is about a letter that Paul wrote to the Philippians when he couldn’t be with them. When Paul was writing this letter, he was going through a hard time and knew that God was with him. He shared this good news with the people of Philippi. God continues to be with us always and forever.


Love is…


Love never ends. - 1 Corinthians 13:8a

This is one of those stories that lots of people hear at weddings. There is a long list of what love is and what love is not. God loves us unconditionally and God is bigger than just loving us. God is a protector, friend, confidant, listener, and more. Close your eyes and think about God. Share the images that come to mind with other people you know and love, and even someone you just met.